With the customizable controller, two toolbars and the popup menu, controlling all aspects of the telepompter has never been easier. Presets are included and new ones can be created to suit particular needs.
With fourteen different remote technologies, teleprompter features can be controlled by other devices, MIDI controllers, audio remotes, touch tone remotes, game controllers, keyboard, a web server, Apple Watch® and more.
Markers for easy navigation, speed presets for specific speeds, the text editor for quick edits, text to speech to read the text, the clock to keep time, the guide to keep track and the countdown to begin... And more.
Import and export a variety of file formats. Organize files with folders, groupds, tags and more. Create Setlists to arrange a group of files in a specific order. Markup the text as needed and create text presets for easy formatting.
Capture audio, video and snap pictures using the Recording feature. View media using a built-in media player integrated with the teleprompter. The Music Player allows easy access to music and audio files, ideal for musicians. Display the text content, camera preview and videos on an external screen.