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Tee Details

Accessing a Tees Details

Press the Courses button from the Main Menu to display the list of courses.

Select a course from the list of courses to display the details for the course.

For more information on managing courses, see Courses.

Press the Holes button from the Course Details to display the list of holes for the course.

For more information on course details, see Course Details.

Select a hole from the list of holes to display details about the hole.

For more information on managing holes for a course, see Holes.

Press the Tees button to display a list of tees for the hole.

For more information about hole details, see Hole Details.

Select a tee from the list to display its details.

Configuring Tee Details

Enter a name for the tee in the tee name text field.

Typically tees are named by color, red, white, blue, gold, etc.

The GPS coordinate for the tee is displayed with latitude, longitude and altitude.

The GPS button will use the GPS features of the device to acquire a location for the tee. This should only be used if you are standing on the tee while taking the GPS fix.

The GPS detail button will display the cooridinate details so that can be manually edited or modified from a map.

For more information on editing GPS coordinate details, see Location Details.

Choose a color for the tee by pressing one of the tee color boxes. The selected tee color will be surrounded by a square.

Tee colors typically indicate skill level, red being the easiest and closest, then getting more difficult and farther from the basket for the additional tee colors.

The last tee color allows you to choose a custom color for the tee. A color picker is displayed allowing custom color selection.

The Default Tee switch will indicate that this tee is the default tee for a hole, in the event that there are several tee layouts.

The default tee is the tee that is loaded during game play by default.


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