All Counter is an app designed to count. Any number of counters can be created in any number of inventories and counting can be done in a variety of ways.
Counter: A counter is used to track the count of a single object.
Inventory: An inventory is a collection of one or more counters.
The Active Counter List is the first screen that appears when the All Counter is launched. This list displays counters that are currently being used.
The Active Counter List can display counters from multiple inventories and allows counting directly from the list.
For more detailed information, see Active Counter List.
The Inventory List displays all of the inventories that are configured in All Counter.
To display the Inventory List press the Inventories tab at the bottom of the screen.
For more detailed information, see Inventory List.
The settings provide access to app settings, as well as remote options.
To display the Settings press the Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.
For more information, see Settings.
All Counter can increment counters by reading barcodes such as QR Codes. QR Codes can also be created from within All Counter.
For more information, see Barcode.
The accelerometer can be used to add to a counter. When enabled, a shake of the device will add to the counter.
For more information, see Accelerometer.
Counting can be done remotely in a variety of ways including iOS Remote control from another iOS device, Web Server, AirTurn remotes or the Apple Watch.
Some of these remote options are accessed from the Settings.
For more information, see Remote Control.