MIDI Recording

MIDI sequences can be recorded and played back. MIDI messages can be recorded from the soft keyboard, MIDI sources, or interactions with the prompter.

Access MIDI Recording

  1. Press the Settings button.
  2. Select the Remotes menu.
  3. Select the MIDI option.
  4. Press the Keyboard button at the top of the settings.
  5. Select the Record option.

Sequence Controls

Use the Record button to start and stop recording.

Use the Play button to playback an existing recording.

Use the Restart button to return the playhead to the beginning of the sequence.

The current playhead time is displayed in the transport controls.

Importing a MIDI File

  1. Press the ••• button in the top left of the sequence area.
  2. Choose the Import MIDI option.
  3. Select a MIDI file (.mid) from the file browser.

Export MIDI File

  1. Press the ••• button in the top left of the sequence area.
  2. Choose the Export MIDI option.
  3. Tap the nme of the file at the top of the dialog to change the name of the file.
  4. Choose a location to save the file.
  5. Press the Save button.

Drawable Controller Changes

  1. Press the ••• button in the top left of the sequence area.
  2. Enable the Drawable CC option to allow recorded controller changes to be modified with a finger.
  3. Start drawing near any existing point in the recorded sequence.
Note: If using the Apple Pencil or Stylus, it is possible to draw controller changes in the sequence without enabling this option.

Note Color

  1. Press the ••• button in the top left of the sequence area.
  2. Select Notes to use a different color for each note.
  3. Select Velocity to use the MIDI note velocity for colors of each note.

Show Control Labels

Labels can be shown in the sequence indicating the prompter control associated with the note, if there is one. Controls will also be indicated in the sequence background.

  1. Press the ••• button in the top left of the sequence area.
  2. Enable the Show Labels option.

Show/Hide Messages in Sequence

  1. Press the ••• button in the top left of the sequence area.
  2. Select Notes to enable notes to appear in the sequence.
  3. Select PC to enable program changes to appear in the sequence.
  4. Select CC to enable controller changes to appear in the sequence.
  5. Select Pitch to enable pitch bend messages to appear in the sequence.

Selecting Events

Note and Program Change events can be selected, but Controller Change events can not.

  1. Tap a note in the sequence to select or deselect the note.
  2. Tap anywhere not on a note to deselect all notes.
  3. Tap and hold anywhere in the sequence to display a context menu. Choose Select All to select all notes.

Moving Events

Note and Program Change events can be moved, but Controller Change events can not.

  1. Select one or more notes.
  2. Move the notes to a new location in the sequence. Moving the notes vertically will change the note. Moving the notes horizontally, will change when the note is played back.

Changing Note Length

  1. Drag the beginning of a note to the left to increase or decrease its duration and start time.
  2. Drag the end of a note to increase the duration of the note.
Note: When attempting to drag the beginning or end of a note, beginning the drag moving down or up first will help ensure the end of the note is being changed.

Changing Recorded Controller Changes

See Also