The Controller provides configurable controls for the prompter that can be displayed along side the text content.
Access Controller
- Press the Settings button.
- Select the Controls option.
Fullscreen Controller
- Press the Fullscreen button to expand the controller. The title bar and settings menu will be hidden allowing more screen area for the controller.
- Press the Fullscreen button again to exit fullscreen mode.
- Press the Edit button to enter edit mode.
- Use the tab on the right side of a row to move it to a new location in the controller.
- Press the + button to add a new row of controls.
- Press the detail (i) button for a row to show the row editor.
- Press + button to add controls to the row.
- Select one or more prompter controls from the list of available controls to add to the row.
- Use the width sliders to adjust the width of the controls for the row.
- Enter a Row Height for the row.
Reorder Controls in Row
- Press the detail (i) button for a row to show the row editor.
- Press the Edit button to enter edit mode.
- Use the tab on the right side of a control to move it to a new location in the list. The control in the row will be moved to the same relative location.
Remove Controls from Row
- Press the detail (i) button for a row to show the row editor.
- Press the Edit button to enter edit mode.
- Press the Remove icon and then the Delete button to remove a control from the row.
Change Control Color
- Press the detail (i) button for a row to show the row editor.
- Press the color button for the control to change.
- Select a color for the control.
Changing Controller Presets
- Press the Previous button to go to the previous preset.
- Press the Next button to go to the next preset.
- Use the Preset button to display the list of presets.
Note: Controller Presets can be enabled/disabled to determine if they should be included while using the next and previous preset buttons.
Optionally, swiping left and right will navigation between presets.
Controller Options
- From the controller, press the Edit button to enter edit mode. Skip this step when using a gesture controller.
- Press the ••• button to show the controller options. See Controller Settings for more details.
Make Rows Equal Height / Fit All Rows
- Press the Edit button to enter edit mode.
- Scroll to the bottom of the controller layout.
- Use the Make Rows Equal Height to make all rows the same height, while using all available space.
- Use the Fit All Rows option to fill the available space by adjusting the size of the controls relative to their current size.
See Also