Mouse Wheel

When a mouse is connected, the scroll wheel can be assigned prompter controls. By default the mouse wheel will scroll any view the cursor is hovering over. Some controls, such as controller sliders, shuffle and rotary controls can be controlled with the mouse wheel. The control assigned to the mouse wheel will be used whenever the cursor is over a view that does not have a default vertical scrolling feature.

Access Mouse Wheel Remote Settings

  1. Press the Settings button.
  2. Select the Remotes menu.
  3. Select the Mouse Wheel option.

Wheel Control

  1. Tap to select prompter controls to assign to the mouse wheel.
  2. Select a prompter control from the list.

Individual Up/Down Control

If the Enable All Controls option is enabled, the Wheel Control option is replaced with the Up Control and Down Control options. This allows prompter controls to be assigned to the scroll wheel's up and down directions individually.

If not enabled, only prompter controls that have increasing and decreasing counterparts can be used for the scroll wheel. For example: scroll change, speed change, forward/rewind, next/previous marker, font size +/-, etc.

  1. Tap the Up Control option.
  2. Select a prompter control from the list to assign to the scroll wheel's up direction.
  3. Select the Down Control option.
  4. Select a prompter control from the list to assign to the scroll wheel's down direction.


Enable this option to invert the scroll direction for the scroll wheel.


  1. Use the slider to adjust the innfluence of the mouse wheel.
  2. Use the +/- buttons incrementally adjust the sensitivity.
  3. Tap the text to enter a sensitivity value as a percentage.

See Also