Find Text

Access Find Feature

  1. Show the settings.
  2. Select the Style menu.
  3. Press the Find button.

Search Text

  1. Enter a search term in the Find text field. Matches will be highlighted in yellow. The currently focused match is highlighted in red.
  2. Optionally, enable the Case Sensitive option.
  3. Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate the matches in the text.
  4. Navigate the matches using the list of results.

Replace Text

  1. Enter a search term to be replaced in the Find text field.
  2. Enter a replacement term in the Replace text field.
  3. Press the Replace button to replace the currently focused match.
  4. Press the Replace All button to replace all matches.

Format Found Text

It is possible to apply a text format to the found terms.

  1. Enter a search term to be formatted in the Find text field.
  2. Press the Choose button in the format row.
  3. Select a text format from the list. Or create a new one if needed. See Text Presets.
  4. Press the Format button to apply the format to the currently focused match.
  5. Press the Format All button to apply the format to all matches.

See Also