Customize Toolbars

Toolbars can be displayed at the bottom and right of the prompter area. The controls and behaviors of the toolbars can be customized.

Access Toolbar Settings

  1. Show the settings.
  2. Select the Prompter menu.
  3. Select the Advanced option.
  4. Select the Controller Settings option.
  5. Select the Customize Horizontal Toolbar or Customize Vertical Toolbar option.

Show/Hide Toolbar

  1. To show the toolbar, set the Show switch to the ON position.
  2. To hide the toolbar, set the Show switch to the OFF position.

This setting determines if the toolbar is visible while not in fullscreen.

Adjust Toolbar Size

Use the slider, +/- buttons or enter a size in pixels for the toolbar.

Adjust Toolar Opacity

Use the slider, +/- buttons or enter an opacity for the toolbar. This option is only available when the Show Over Content setting is enabled.

Hides on Play

Enable this option to automatically hide the toolbar when the prompter plays and show it when it stops.

Hides Fullscreen

Enable this option to automatically hide the toolbar when the prompter is displaying fullscreen.

Show Over Content

Enable this option to display the toolbar over the text content. Disable it to display it beside or below the text content.

Show/Hide on Swipes

Enable this option to show or hide the toolbars using swipe gestures in the main text area. Swiping left-right will hide the vertical controller, swiiping right-left will show it. Swiping top-down will hide the horizontal controller, swiping bottom-up will show it.

If the text is fullscreen, swiping will affect the Hides Fullscreen option. If not fullscreen, swiping will affect the Show option.

Show/Hide Toggle Buttons

If enabled small buttons will be visible top-right of the horizontal controller and bottom-left of the vertical controller. These buttons will only be visible when the respective toolbar is hidden. Pressing the button will show the controller and hide the button.

Display Style

The Display Style determines how the controls appear in the toolbar. Controls can show an icon and/or the title of the control.


Determines if the toolbar preset is compatible with the vertical or horizontal toolbars or both. If a preset is not enabled for a toolbar, that preset will not be activated when using the next/previous preset buttons. For example, a preset containing only a text map would make sense only being enabled for the vertical toolbar.

Toolbar Shortcuts

Both toolbars provide quick access to hide the toolbar, show its settings and change presets.

For the horizontal toolbar, the shortcuts can be shown and hidden using the chevron button at the far right of the toolbar. For the vertical toolbar, the chevron button is at the far bottom.

Add Controls

  1. Use the + button to add a new control to the toolbar.
  2. Select the control or controls to add to the toolbar from the list of prompter controls.

Delete Control

  1. Press the Edit button to enter edit mode.
  2. Press the Remove icon and then the Delete button for the control to remove.

Move Controls

  1. Press the Edit button to enter edit mode.
  2. Use the tab on the right side of a control to drag it to a new position in the list. The control will be moved to the relative position in the cooresponding toolbar.

Duplicate Controls

  1. Hold a touch on the control in the list that should be duplicated.
  2. Select the Duplicate option from the context menu.

Change Control Values

Some controls can have specific values, such as a marker, setlist file, speed, scroll position, etc. In order to use values with prompter controls, the Advanced Features must be enabled.

  1. Press the detail button (i) to change the value for a control.
  2. Enter or select a value.

See Also