GPS Tracker NMEA 0183 Standard

SMS a GPS can assist in parsing responses from GPS Trackers that support the NMEA 0183 Standard.

Currently only the $GPRMC response is supported. This response contains position, speed and course data.

The response syntax is as follows:

aaaaaa is the time of the fix UTC in hhmmss format
b is the validity of the fix ("A" = valid, "V" = invalid) is the current latitude in format
d is the latitude hemisphere ("N" = northern, "S" = southern) is the current longitude in format
f is the longitude hemisphere ("E" = eastern, "W" = western)
ggg.g is the speed in knots
hhh.h is the true course in degrees
jjjjjj is the date in DDMMYY format
kkk.k is the magnetic variation in degrees
l is the direction of magnetic variation ("E" = east, "W" = west)
mm is the checksum

When the response is received via an SMS message, the entire contents can be copied and pasted into SMS a GPS.

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