Map View


The Map view displays the map for the current location, the users location and any people or objects being tracked.



The bottom of the screen displays the tracking details for the subject being tracked. The left side displays the map icon and the name of the tracking subject. The right side displays the distance to the subject, as well as the direction to the subject.


The compass in the center always points North. Pressing the compass will display options for the map.


The user's location is displayed on the map as a blue dot. This is you.


The direction arrow follows the user's location if the user's location is on the screen. Otherwise it is fixed to the bottom of the screen, above the compass.

If a subject is being tracked, this arrow will always point in the direction of the subject.


Tracks are displayed on the map as colored numbers. Each number represents a track or waypoint. Tracks that are part of a group appear connected and have the same color.


Tapping a waypoint on the map will display information about the track and a button to view more details for the track. Dragging the waypoint to a new location on the map will reposition the waypoint to the location it is released.


The Expand / Collapse button is used to display more information about the tracking group, including the group that is currently being tracked and group tracking features.


The Add Waypoint button will add the user's current location as a track in the current group. It will be added to the map in the group also.


The Continous option will enable automatic waypoint creation. When enabled, waypoints will be added to the current group automatically when the distance from the last waypoint exceeds the designated amount in the Settings.


Tracking a Subject

The direction arrow indicates which direction the current subject is located. The precise number of degrees is displayed in the tracking info at the bottom of the screen.

Regardless of which direction the device is oriented, the direction arrow will always point to the tracking subject.

If the map is configured to rotate, the map will rotate as the device is rotated also. This will align the map with the orientation of the device and thusly the ground underfoot.

If the map is locked, the arrow will continue to point the direction of the tracking subject, but north on the map will always be toward the top of the device.

To track a subject that is plotted on the map, simply orient the device and your direction of travel so that the arrow points to the top of the device. The direction will read close to zero degrees when you are on the correct heading.


In the example above, the subject being tracked is called "Group Location 3" and is in the group called "Group Location". From my position, I need to turn 109ยบ to the right and travel approximately 5.5 miles to find the subject.


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