The color picker is similar to the color pickers found in design applications on desktop computers.
To change the currently selected color, drag your finger around the colored box or the colored slider at the bottom of the screen. The Use Color button in the top right of the screen will reflect the currently selected color.
Once the color has been selected, press the Use Color button to commit the color. To cancel the color picked, press the cancel button, which reflects the original color.
If the name for a color has been manually modified, the name will no longer be change automatically when it is adjusted.
If the color picker is displayed from the main screen, the Use Color button will add a color swatch to the list of color swatches.
If the color picker is displayed from a color detail, the Use Color button will modify the color with the selected color.
As the color is changed in the picker, the color values are updated for RGB, HSB, CMYK and the hex value.
To lock a color component or change the color picker method, select the option next to the color component.
If Red is selected, the slider at the bottom of the screen will adjust the amount of red in the color. The vertical axis of the colored box will control the amount of green and the horizontal axis will control the amount of blue.
If Green is selected, the slider at the bottom of the screen will adjust the amount of green in the color. The vertical axis of the colored box will control the amount of red and the horizontal axis will control the amount of blue.
If Blue is selected, the slider at the bottom of the screen will adjust the amount of blue in the color. The vertical axis of the colored box will control the amount of green and the horizontal axis will control the amount of red.
If Hue is selected, the slider at the bottom of the screen will control the hue of the color. The vertical axis of the colored box will control the brightness and the horizontal axis will control the saturation.
If Saturation is selected, the slider at the bottom of the screen will control the saturation of the color. The vertical axis of the colored box will control the brightness and the horizontal axis will control the hue.
If Brightness is selected, the slider at the bottom of the screen will control the brightness of the color. The vertical axis of the colored box will control saturation and the horizontal axis will control the hue.