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GPS Features

The GPS or Global Positioning System capabilites provide powerful tools to help game play.

Many features of The Discer can have GPS coordinates associated with them including...

• Tee Locations

• Basket Locations

• Throw Locations

• Lost Disc Locations

When the various features of The Discer have GPS coordinates you can do the following...

• See actual distances between tee and basket layouts

• See distances of throws

• See direction and distance to tees or baskets

• Find approximate locations of lost discs

• See courses and throws on the map

Notes on GPS...

The coordinates acquired using the GPS features will vary in accuracy depending on signal strength, GPS acquisition method, obscurity of the sky and interference.

The coordinates are used to determine distances between features in the app including tees, baskets and throws. The accuracy of these distances are dependant on the accuracy of their combined GPS coordinates.

GPS Tips...

Since the accuracy of GPS fixes can vary, the Map feature is invaluable for refining locations of features, including tees, baskets and throws. Using visual cues on the map and your environment, you can often times determine a much more accurate fix than the GPS.

Accessing GPS Game Options

From the Game View, press the Settings button.

Press the GPS... button to display the GPS options for the game.

The GPS Tee button will use the GPS features to acquire a GPS coordinate for the current tee on the current hole.

You must be standing at on the tee to use this function properly.

A GPS progress indicator will be displayed. The progress will disappear once the maximum accuracy has been detected for multiple fixes.

You can cancel the GPS acquisition by pressing the Stop button. The current fix will be assigned to the tee.

The GPS Basket button will use the GPS features to acquire a GPS coordinate for the current basket layout on the current hole.

You must be standing at the basket to use this function properly.

A GPS progress indicator will be displayed. The progress will disappear once the maximum accuracy has been detected for multiple fixes.

You can cancel the GPS acquisition by pressing the Stop button. The current fix will be assigned to the basket layout.

The GPS Basket button will use the GPS features to acquire a GPS coordinate for the last throw on the current hole for the current player.

You must be standing at the location the throw was made to use this function properly.

A GPS progress indicator will be displayed. The progress will disappear once the maximum accuracy has been detected for multiple fixes.

You can cancel the GPS acquisition by pressing the Stop button. The current fix will be assigned to the throw.

The GPS Throws For... button will display a list of players in the game.

The selected player will automatically have their throws geo-tagged when scores are added.

You must be standing at the location the throw was made to use this function properly.

This GPS progress view will be displayed while the fix is being acquired. This will happen every time a score is added from the Game View, whether using the + button, or discs from the player's disc bag.

The GPS My Throws button works the same as the GPS Throws For... feature, except that it automatically selects the player profile indicated as "Me".

The Leave GPS On button will toggle whether the GPS feature is left on or turned off after a fix is acquired.

If the GPS is left on, it will continue to track your position, even when not acquiring a fix for a feature. This will make acquiring fixes faster since the GPS will not be required to find your location again for each fix.

However, leaving the GPS on between fixes will require more battery usage and lower battery life.

The First Throw On Tee option will make the first throw on all holes locate exactly on the tee that is being thrown from.

For this feature to work, you must have GPS Throws For... enabled for a player. The tees must also have GPS coordinates configured in order to know where to put the throw.

This feature is useful if the tee locations are known. If prevents the need to use the GPS and expidites game play.

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