
An image can be displayed over the prompter content.

Access Overlay Image Settings

  1. Show the settings.
  2. Select the Prompter menu.
  3. Select the Overlay Image option.

Show/Hide Overlay Image

  1. Set the Show Overlay switch to the ON position to show the overlay.
  2. Set the Show Overlay switch to the OFF position to hide the overlay.

Change Overlay Image

  1. Select the Image option.
  2. Select the source for the image.
  3. Select the image to use as the overlay image from the chosen source.
Note: Images can also be imported in the same way files can, including drag and drop, sending from other apps and file sharing services.

Change Overlay Opacity

  1. Use the Opacity slider to change the opacity of the overlay image.
  2. Use the +/- buttons to change the opacity incrementally.

Change Overlay Size

  1. Use the Scale slider to change the size of the overlay image.
  2. Use the +/- buttons to change the scale incrementally.

Change Overlay Offset

  1. Use the Offset sliders to adjust the location of the overlay from the center of the text.
  2. Use the +/- buttons to incrementally adjust the overlay offset.

Change Overlay Color

  1. Select the Tint Color option.
  2. Use the color picker to select a color for the overlay. Press the back button or the Use button to apply the color. Press the Cancel button to use the previous color.

Change Blend Mode

  1. Select the Blend Mode option.
  2. Select a blend mode to apply to the overlay from the list. This will determine how the overlay colors interact with the text content.

Show On

Determines where the overlay appears.