The Toggle Layers button at the top of the menu is used to toggle the visibility of the other layers in the video overlay. This allows the layer being editing to be seen alone, or in combination with the other layers.
Basic settings apply to all layer types, including text, images or shapes.
Select which type of layer to create, either Text, Image, or Shape.
The Value Type determines what kind of value the frame, border and corner radius use.
The frame describes where the layer is positioned.
The align tools provide an easy way to quickly and accurately position and size the text, image or shape.
Adjust the opacity of the layer to allow layers behind it to become visible.
Determines the color of the border drawn around the layer.
Determines the width of the border drawn around the layer. Set this value to 0 to have no border.
Determines how rounded the corners of the layer element. To make a circle from a shape or an image, set this value to half of the frame's height.
Determines the angle of rotation for the layer element.
Image settings are only available when the Image layer type is selected.
Select this option to choose an image. Images can be added to the layer from the camera, photo library, existing images, or included images.
Text settings are only available when the Text layer type is selected.
Enter the text for the overlay.
Select which font to use for the text overlay.
Select the font size for the text overlay.
Modify the current font by making it bold, italic, underline or strikethrough. Not all fonts support all styles.
Align text left, center or right justified.
Select the color for the text.
Select the color for the text highlight.
Select the color for the text online.
Determines the width of the outline for the text. Set to 0 to have no outline.
Shape settings are only available when the Shape layer type is selected.
Select the color for the shape.