The TeleprompterPAD remote can be purchased at TeleprompterPAD.
Access TeleprompterPAD Settings
- Press the Settings button.
- Select the Remotes menu.
- Select the TeleprompterPAD option.
Connecting TeleprompterPAD Remote
- Turn on your TeleprompterPAD remote.
- Following the instructions that came with the TeleprompterPAD remote to pair the device and select the correct mode for use with iOS.
- Set the Enable switch to the ON position.
- Press the Display button to display the remote horizontally, vertically, or to display configuration as a list.
- Using a control on the TeleprompterPAD remote will illuminate the control on the graphic or list.
- Tap a control on the graphic to assign a prompter control.
- Choose a control from the list of available prompter controls. Repeat this step to assign controls to all TeleprompterPAD remote controls.
- For prompter controls that can use a value, an additional value button will appear for the control. Tap this button to add or remove a value for the control.
Changing Presets
- Use the Next Preset button to go to the next preset in the list.
- Use the Previous Preset button to go to the next preset in the list.
- Use the Preset button to display the list of TeleprompterPAD presets.
Using Single/Double Presses
Prompter controls can be assigned to single presses and double presses for TeleprompterPAD remote controls, allowing twice the number of controls to be used. In order to assign controls to double presses the Enable Double Press option must be enabled in the TeleprompterPAD Options and the Advanced Features option must be enabled.
- Select the • presses option to display the single press controls.
- Follow the steps outlined above to configure the single press controls.
- Select the •• presses option to display the double press controls.
- Repeat the process of assigning prompter controls to the TeleprompterPAD remote controls.
See Also