Insert Image
Access Style Settings
- Show the settings.
- Select the Style menu.
Insert Image
- Choose the Insert Image option.
- Select the Choose Image option.
- Select the source for the image.
- Included Images: Images that are included with the app.
- Existing Images: Images that have been imported or used previously. These reside in the Documents/Images folder for the app.
- Photo LIbrary: Displays the user's Photo Library and allows an image to be selected.
- Camera: Displays the camera so a picture can be taken.
- Choose the image to use.
Scale Image
- Select the image to scale in the text.
- Use the Image Scale slider to scale the image as needed.
- Use the +/- buttons incrementally adjust the scale of the image.
- Tap on the text to enter a scale as a percentage.
Optimize Images
Select this option to optimize the size of the images that are currently used in the text. If a large image used in the text has been scaled down, the image will be recreated using the scaled down size. When an image is optimized at a smaller scale, scaling the image up again will result in a loss of resolution. This action can not be undone.
Use this option to extract images from the current file. The extracted images will be placed in the Documents/Image folder.