Insert Image

Access Style Settings

  1. Show the settings.
  2. Select the Style menu.

Insert Image

  1. Choose the Insert Image option.
  2. Select the Choose Image option.
  3. Select the source for the image.
  4. Choose the image to use.

Scale Image

  1. Select the image to scale in the text.
  2. Use the Image Scale slider to scale the image as needed.
  3. Use the +/- buttons incrementally adjust the scale of the image.
  4. Tap on the text to enter a scale as a percentage.

Optimize Images

Select this option to optimize the size of the images that are currently used in the text. If a large image used in the text has been scaled down, the image will be recreated using the scaled down size. When an image is optimized at a smaller scale, scaling the image up again will result in a loss of resolution. This action can not be undone.

Extract Images

Use this option to extract images from the current file. The extracted images will be placed in the Documents/Image folder.