File Settings Key

When importing files, it is possible to include settings in the content of the file. Once the file is imported, the settings key will be used to setup basic settings for the file. The settings will then be removed from the content of the file.

Place all keys and values within the following blocks of text:

<Teleprompter Settings>
<Teleprompter End Settings>

The possible keys and values are:


Text Color

Red (0-255), Green (0-255), Blue (0-255), Alpha (0-255, optional) or "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "purple", "brown", "darkgray", "lightgray", "white", "magenta", "gray"

Example: "255,100,135" or "red"

Highlight Color

Red (0-255), Green (0-255), Blue (0-255), Alpha (0-255, optional) or "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "purple", "brown", "darkgray", "lightgray", "white", "magenta", "gray"

Example: "255,100,135" or "red"

Background Color

Red (0-255), Green (0-255), Blue (0-255), Alpha (0-255, optional) or "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "purple", "brown", "darkgray", "lightgray", "white", "magenta", "gray"

Example: "255,100,135" or "red"


Font Name

Example: "Helvetica"

Font Size

Point Size

Example: "32"

Head Indent

# pixels

Example: "100"

Tail Indent

# pixels

Example: "100"

Text Alignment

"Left", "Right", "Center"
One value only.

Line Spacing

# pixels

Example: "30"

Text Style

Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, Underline
Separated by commas.

Example: "bold,italic" or "b,i"

Group Name

Any Text

Example: "Speeches"

File Break

Any text unique to content.

Example: "<FILEBREAK>"

File Tags

"Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Purple", "Gray"
Separated by commas.

Example: "Red, Blue"


"Paragraphs", "Numbered Lines", "Capitalized Lines", single character for Marker Single Tag, two characters for Marker Start and End Tags.
Separated by commas. The marker settings will only be applied to the imported file and the unique marker tags option. For more information about marker tags, see Marker Tags.

Example: "paragraph,•" (Markers will be created for paragraphs and the • character),
or "cap,num,< >" (Markers will be created for capitalized lines, numbered lines, and text surrounded by < and >).

The order of the keys does not matter.
Not all keys are required.
Keys are case insensitive.
Spaces are optional.
The format is applied to the entire document.
Do not use the "=" character in the group name or file break.

File Breaks

File breaks can be inserted in the text content where the file should be broken up into multiple files. Any file break text can be used, but it should not conflict with intended text content.


<Teleprompter Settings>
Font Size=90
Text Color=orange
Group Name=Notes
Background Color=0,0,0
<Teleprompter End Settings>

This example will result in the font being 90 point Arial, orange text color on a black background. The file will placed in a group called "Notes". This key can be placed anywhere in the file, typically at the beginning or end.