AirTurn Options

Access AirTurn Options

  1. Show the settings.
  2. Select the Remote menu.
  3. Select the AirTurn option.
  4. Press the ••• button.

Enable Double Press

Enable this option to use double-presses for the AirTurn preset. Unique controls can be assigned to a single presses and double presses.

When enabled, an option will be available at the top of the AirTurn settings to select single or double presses.

Double Press Speed

Determines how fast a double-press should be when the Enable Double Press option is enabled.

My AirTurns

Provides a way to select which AirTurn devices are to used with the app. Other devices will not be shown when changing devices.

  1. Select this option to display a list of AirTurn devices.
  2. Select any remote in the list by tapping it. A checkmark will appear next to selected devices.
  3. Tap a selected device again to remove the checkmark.
  4. Press the back button when finished.

See Also