Web Link File

A web page can be used instead of text content.

Access Files Settings

  1. Show the settings.
  2. Select the File menu.

Create New File

  1. Press the + button to create a new file.
  2. Enter a new name for the file.
  3. Optionally, enter a group name in the Group text box, or use the Group button to display a list of existing groups.
  4. Press the Done button when finished.
  1. Press the ••• button to display additional options at the bottom of the menu.
  2. Press the Link button to show the web link settings.

Assigning Web Page

  1. Enter the URL for the web page into the URL text field.
  2. Press the Go button to load the web page.
  1. Set the Edit switch to the ON position.
  2. If needed, use any links in the web page to navigate to different web pages.
  3. Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate to previously visited pages.
  4. Optionally, select the Use Current Link option to assign the current web page to document.

Viewing Web Page Code

  1. Press the Code button at the top of the menu to view to source code for the webpage.
  2. Optionally, press the Format button to change the Font, Font Size, or Color Theme.
  3. Optionally, press the Find button to search for text in the source code.

Formatting Web Page

Simple web pages can be formatted similar to a text document. These changes are injected into the web page using JavaScript.

  1. Show the settings by pressing the Settings button, if not already shown.
  2. Select the Style menu item.
  3. Adjust the appearance of the webpage as needed using the various formatting controls.
  4. Use the Clear button for a format control to clear the value and revert to the default value of the web page.

Converting a Web Page to Text

Use the Convert HTML to Text option to convert the file to text. The markup of the resulting file may differ slightly from the original web page. A new file will be created and opened with the same name, followed by "(Converted)".

Formatted Elements

Web pages can be formatted in a variety of ways using HTML tags or CSS classes. Specific tags and classes can be targeted for injecting format changes depending on the design of the web page. The default element that is affected by format changes is the body tag.

  1. Press the ••• button to show additional format options for the web page.
  2. Press the + button to add a new element.
  3. Select what type of element to use, either a Tag Name or a Class Name.
  4. Enter the tag name or the class name into the text field.
  5. Press the Refresh button to refresh the web page with the new changes.
  6. Optionally, press the Code button to view the source code for the web page. This can be useful to see what tags or classes are being used for the text content of the web page.
  7. Repeat this process for additional elements as needed.
  8. Remove elements by pressing the Edit button to enter edit mode, then using the Remove icon, then the Delete button.

See Also