Video Markers

Markers can be added to video and audio files to easily recall locations in the asset. The markers can optionally adjust the scroll location of the text content.

Video markers can be accessed the following ways:

Marker Details

To show a marker's details, press the Info button for the marker.

Marker Name

Enter a custom name for the marker. The detail name is the time of the marker.


Determines the time the marker references in the video or audio track. To change the time for a marker, navigate to the new location for the marker in the video, then press the Set button.

Adjust Scroll Position

Enable this option to adjust the scroll position of the text content when the video marker is used.

Position Type

Determines if the scroll position for the text is a fixed scroll position or a text marker position. This option is only available if the Adjust Scroll Position option is enabled.

Scroll Position

Determines the scroll location in the text content that will be scrolled to when the video marker is used. To set the scroll position, scroll the text content to the required location and press the Set button. This option is only available if the Adjust Scroll Position option is enabled and the Position Type is set to Position.


Determines which text marker is scrolled to when the video marker is used. Tap the marker row to select a marker. This option is only available if the Adjust Scroll Position option is enabled and the Position Type is set to Marker.

Go to Marker

Use this option to go to the marker in the video viewer.

Opening and Saving Chapter Metadata

Some file formats support chapter markers, such as .m4v, .mov or .mp3. When these file formats are opened, markers will automatically be created for chapters found in the file. Markers can also be saved as chapters in a file's metadata.

From the Video Viewer, press the ••• button to display more options. For supported file formats, the Save Chapters and Open Chapters options will be available.