
The guide is used to indicate where to read in the text. The behavior and appearance of the guide can be changed and presets can be created for easy recall.

Access Guide Settings

  1. Show the settings.
  2. Select the Prompter menu.
  3. Select the Guide option.

Show/Hide Guide

  1. To show the guide, set the Show Guide switch to the ON position.
  2. To hide the guide, set it to the OFF position.

Change Style

  1. Select the icon for the guide style to use.

Displays two triangle markers, one on each side of the text.


Displays one triangle marker on the left side of the text.


Displays one triangle marker on the right side of the text.


Displays a bar across the entire text.


Covers the entire text except a bar across the entire text.


Displays two lines across the entire text.

Change Size

  1. Use the Size slider to change the size of the guide.
  2. Use the +/- buttons to incrementally adjust the guide size.
  3. Tap the text to enter a value for the size in points.

Change Opacity

  1. Use the Opacity slider to change the opacity of the guide.
  2. Use the +/- buttons to incrementally adjust the guide opacity.
  3. Tap the text to enter a value for the opacity as a percentage.

Change Center Offset

  1. Use the slider to change the position of the guide in the text area. Zero is centered. A negative value moves the guide toward the top, a positive value moves the guide toward the bottom.
  2. Use the +/- buttons to incrementally adjust the guide position.
  3. Tap the text to enter a value for the offset as a percentage.

Change Line Width

  1. Use the slider to adjust the width of the lines for the two-line guide style.
  2. Use the +/- buttons to incrementally adjust the width of the lines.
  3. Tap the text to enter a value for the line width in points.


  1. Use the slider to adjust the fade for the guide that covers the entire text.
  2. Use the +/- buttons to incrementally adjust the fade.
  3. Tap the text to enter a value for the fade as a percentage.

Change Guide Color

  1. Select the Color option.
  2. Use the color picker to select a color for the guide.
  3. Press the Back button or the Use button to use the selected color. Or press the Cancel button to revert to the previous color.

Blend Mode

The blend mode determines how the color of the guide interacts with the color of the text behind it.

  1. Select the Blend Mode option.
  2. Select the blend mode to use from the list.

Hide While Editing Text

Enable this option to hide the guide when the main text content is being edited. This can be especially useful when using a guide that obscures the text content.

See Also