Bluetooth MIDI Remote: iRig Blueboard

iRig Blueboard is a blue tooth MIDI pedal system by IKMultimedia. For more information see IK Multimedia iRig Blueboard.


The iOS device must be connected to the iRig Blueboard. This is done using the iRig Blueboard app avialable in the App Store free.

Using the app, ensure that the iRig Blueboard is connected and able to control the ports in the iRig Blueboard app.

Using the iRig Blueboard app, change the Modes setting to PROG CHANGE.

1. Open the settings by pressing the settings button. SettingsButton

2. Select the Remote option. RemoteOption

3. Select the Blue Tooth MIDI Remote option. BlueToothMIDIOption

4. To assign a function to a bank, press the button with the name of the function to assign to a bank. BlueToothMIDIOption

5. Enter the number of the bank to use for the prompter function. MIDIBank

6. Hide the settings by pressing the settings button. SettingsButton

7. Use the pedals on the iRig Blueboard to control the prompter features.