Contact Groups

Contact Groups contain any number of contacts and an optional title for the group. The Contact Group list is the first screen displayed when the app is launched.

The Contact Group will show one to three sections: Contact Groups, Favorites and Recent.

  1. The Contact Group section shows current groups of contacts.
  2. The Favorites section shows previously saved messages that contain a contact group and message details.
  3. The Recent section shows messages that were sent recently.

Access Settings

Settings To access the Settings, press the Settings button (gear) in the top left of the screen.

Create New Message to New Contacts

To create a message to new contacts, press the Compose button in the top right of the screen. See Message Composer.

Remove Contact Groups, Favorites and Recent Messages

Swipe an item from right to left to delete it. Or, press the Edit button to enter edit mode, the remove icon for the item to remove and then the Delete button.

Add Contact Group

Press the Edit button to enter edit mode, then press the Add Contact option.