Contact Details

A contact needs to have a phone and/or email address and optionally cell carrier information. A contact's details can be accessed by selecting the contact from the Contact Group Detail screen.


Configure Contact Settings


  1. Enter a name for the contact.
  2. Enter a phone number for the contact.
  3. Enter an email address for the contact.

Using Address Book

  1. Press the Contact button to select a contact from the addressbook.
  2. If the contact has multiple email addresses or phone numbers, select one of each.

Configure Cell Carrier

If a cell carrier is setup for a contact, it is possible to send an email to the contact that will appear as a text message for the contact.


  1. Enter a name for the cell carrier, ie AT&T.
  2. Enter an email address for the cell carrier, ie

Using Carrier List

  1. Press the Cell Carrier button
  2. Select the carrier for the list.