This is the main GlassMaker interface. From here programs are created and run. Program execution is controlled via a collection of intuitive controls. Immediate machine control can always be available to allow most aspects of the machine to be controlled in just a few clicks.
Once a program has been created, the interface can be simplified using the Kiosk Mode. This provides access to simple program control and immediate control. Kiosk mode locks out the design-time environment and can be password protected. Images and captions can be changed to accomodate user and job requirements. |
Using a series of configuration dialog boxes, the devices that comprise the machine can be configured for their specific purpose. This is the motor configuration dialog. Motors are configured here to be used in rotational, lateral or other applications. Once the calculations are complete, it becomes possible to interface with the motor in simple terms. Each aspect of the lathe has its own means of configuration to suit the diverse range of possible applicatons. |
Though the main idea of GlassMaker is to provide a scripted automation for the glassblowing lathes, it also offers means to immediately control any aspect of the lathe from various locations. Most configuration dialogs allow immediate control of the configured feature to allow easy manipulation of the machine and testing. From the main screen and kiosk, it is possible to access the Immediate Control dialog. From here, chucks can be opened and closed with a single click. |